16th year event to honour the successful Vedic Scholars of Pan India Vedic examinations successfully completed

27th July 2024 & 28th July 2024


IPVC16 - Magical Moments

Om Charitable Trust acknowledges with great respect the contributions of everyone in making the    15th National Vedic Competition an outstanding achievement.


All India Student Participated


Pathashalas Participated


Reginal Competition


Student Selected for Finals

IPVC15 - Magical Moments

NVC15 - Prize Photos

IPVC11 - Magical Moments

Supported an entire village at Erode





Donated Amount



Number of ventilators procured



Gloves & masks

Vasudaiva Kutumbakam

Need helping hands

COVID19 infection. Controlling the spread of COVID 19 infection would be a mammoth task for the health care system in India. To quote,” India probably has only around 100,000 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 40,000 ventilators, said Dhruva Chaudhry, president of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, based on industry estimates and other data.”

Ventilator support will be crucial in reducing mortality rates. In this context, we are procuring ventilators to donate to non-profit public hospitals in India

Donated 1000 Masks & Gloves to Mr. Pagalavan - Deputy Commissioner of Police Adyar branch, for their teams working in quarantine areas. Our thanks to Dr.Santha Narayanan - Secretary: IMA Chennai South for this coordination.


  • ओं भू:।
    OM is earth
    ओम पृथ्वी है
  • ओं भुव:।
    OM is sky
    ओम आकाश है
  • ओं सुव:।
    OM is heaven
    ओम स्वर्ग है
  • ओं मह:।
    OM is middle region
    ओम मध्य क्षेत्र है
  • ओं जन:।
    OM is place of birth
    जन्म का स्थान ओम है
  • ओं तप:।
    OM is the mansion of blessed
    ओम धन्य की हवेली है
  • ओं सत्यम्।
    OM is the abode of Truth
    ओम सत्य का निवास है

Swami Vivekananda

(Renowned Philosopher and founder of Sri Ramakrishna Mission)

The Vedas contain not only the means how to obtain Bhakti but also the means for obtaining any earthly good or evil. Take whatever you want

  • ओं तद् ब्रह्म।
    OM - that is Brahman-Supreme Godhood
    ओम् - वह ब्रह्म-परमात्मा है
  • ओं तद् वायु:।
    OM - that is Wind
    ओम - वो विंड है
  • ओं तदात्मा।
    OM - that is Self
    ओम - वो स्व
  • ओं तत्सत्यम्।
    OM - that is Truth
    ओम - यही सच है
  • ओं तत्सर्वम्।
    OM – that is All
    ओम - यही सब है
  • ओं तत्पुरोर्नम:।
    Salutations to the Supreme OM
    सुप्रीम ओएम को सलाम

Saint Aurobindo

(Renowned freedom fighter and philosopher, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry)

The Veda was the beginning of our spiritual knowledge, the Vedas will remain its end. The recovery of the perfect truth of the Veda is therefore not merely a desideratum of our modern intellectual curiosity, but a practical necessity for the future of the human race. For I firmly believe that the secret concealed in the Veda when entirely discovered, will be found to formulate perfectly that knowledge and practice of divine life to which the march of humanity, after long wanderings in the satisfaction of the intellect and senses, must inevitably return.

Believe that Veda be the foundation of the Sanatan Dharma. I believe it to be the concealed divinity within Hinduism, but a veil has to be drawn aside, a curtain has to be lifted. I believe it to be knowable and discoverable. I believe the future of India and the world depends on its discovery and on its application, not to the renunciation of life, but to life in the world and among men

  • ओमिति ब्रह्म।
    OM is Brahman
    ओम् ब्रह्म है
  • ओमितिदं सर्वम्।
    OM is all this
    ओम यह सब है

Sir John Woodroffe

(Fr. Advocate General of Bengal: 1865 -1936)

An examination of the Vedic thesis shows that it is in conformity with the most advanced philosophical and scientific thoughts of the west and where this is not so, it is the scientist who will go to the Vedantist and not the Vedantist to the scientist.

  • ओमित्येतदनुकृतिर्हस्म वा अप्यो श्रावयेत्याश्रावयन्ति ।
    ओम को सहमति के शब्द के रूप में जाना जाता है और (ऋग्वेद पुजारी) यह कहकर अनुमोदन देते हैं कि अधिनियम या भाषण के लिए
    OM is known as a word of concurrence and (Rig Veda Priests) give approval by saying that for the act or speech
  • ओमिति सामानि गायन्ति।
    (Sama Veda Priests) commence singing with OM
    (समा वेद पुरोहित) ओम के साथ गाना शुरू करते हैं
  • ओं शोमिति शस्त्राणि शं सन्ति।
    With OM (warriors) recite incantations before sending missiles
    ओएम (योद्धाओं) के साथ मिसाइल भेजने से पहले भस्मारती करते हैं
  • ओमित्यध्वर्यु: प्रतिगरं प्रतिगृणाति।
    Adhvaryu (YajurVeda Priest) encourages performance of Sacrifice by reciting OM
    अध्वर्यु (यजुर्वेद पुरोहित) ओम का पाठ करके बलि के प्रदर्शन को प्रोत्साहित करता है
  • ओमिति ब्रह्मा प्रसौति।
    Brahma (Atharva Veda Priest) approved by reciting OM
    ओम का पाठ करके ब्रह्मा (अथर्ववेद पुजारी) ने अनुमोदन किया

Julius Robert Oppenheimer

(Priciple developer of the atomic bomb)

The Vedas are the greatest privilege of this century.

  • ओमित्यग्निहोत्रमनुजानाति।
    By reciting OM, one permits the performance of Agnihotra sacrifice
    ओम का पाठ करने से, व्यक्ति अग्निहोत्र यज्ञ के प्रदर्शन की अनुमति देता है
  • ओमिति ब्राह्मण: प्रवक्ष्यन्नाह ब्रह्मोपाप्नवानीति। ब्रह्मैवोपाप्नोति।
    A Vedic reciter when about to recite Vedas utters OM under the idea “I shall attain Brahman”. He verily attains Brahman
    वेद का पाठ करने के बारे में जब वैदिक ने ओएम को इस विचार के तहत "मैं ब्रह्म को प्राप्त करूं" का पाठ किया। वह सत्यपूर्वक ब्रह्म को प्राप्त कर लेता है

Archaeology online

A vast number of statements and materials presented in the ancient Vedic literatures can be shown to agree with modern scientific findings and they also reveal a highly developed scientific content in these literatures. The great cultural wealth of this knowledge is highly relevant in the modern world.

  • अस्य महतो भूतस्य निश्वसितमेतदृग्वेदो यजुर्वेद: सामवेदोऽथर्वङ्गिरस:...।
    The four Vedas namely, Rik Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda are all emanations from the breath of the Supreme Being.
    चार वेद, ऋक वेद, यजुर वेद, साम वेद और अथर्ववेद ये सभी परम पुरुष की सांस से निकले हुए हैं।
  • ओं शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:।
    OM Peace (Material) Peace (Natural) Peace (Transcendental)
    ओम शांति (सामग्री) शांति (प्राकृतिक) शांति (पारलौकिक)
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Thanks to one and all for making IPVC11 - grand success

Come, let's take a trail from the start to the end and re-live those magical moments.

IPVC11 - Magical Moments

Our Contribution

Our projects are focused on promoting and preserving the heritage value of India. We encourage students to pursue heritage education, empower them with technical and soft skills , provide them with a platform to exhibit their knowledge and skills and enable them to realize career ambitions with long term financial support.

Life Skill Enablement

Enhancing the students with soft skills and vocational education even as they pursue contemporary academics and heritage education.

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89 Donors
Technical Education

Empowering the young scholars with skills to leverage the power of technology with heritage skills.platform financial support.

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89 Donors
Education Support

Enabling deserving students to realize their ambitions in academics through long term financial support.platform financial support.

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89 Donors
Vedic Competition

Engaging the students in a platform to showcase their knowledge and to connect with peers.platform financial support.

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89 Donors











years of Competition

About Us

OM CHARITABLE TRUST is an organization serving the sustainers of this Universe by their soul stirring sermons and songs which reverberate in the divine worlds whence the benign disposition to bestow the earth with resounding resources pour forth. Registered as a Public Charitable Trust it has reputed professionals as Trustees having respected standing in the society.

The Trust has been formed to encourage the fields of education having Indian heritage value. At present, the students learning the scriptures of yore are helped in sharpening their skills by conducting inter-school competitions wherein all states of India participate. More than 178 Vedic and Sanskrit institutions have been empanelled with us. The aim of the competition is to encourage congeniality, confidence and zeal in the minds of blooming boys of Vedic learning.

The Trust is expanding its activities by conducting technical and life skills educational courses essential to the students since the year 2018, providing educational support to the gifted students since the year 2014 and conducting competitions on Scripture based Shastra studies since the year 2013. Honoring Scholars, Organizing lectures on Indian Traditional Disciplines, Educating the student community on the historical, cultural and social excellence of Indian heritage are the primary objectives of the Trust. The Trust extends financial support to educational and medical needs of the poor and needy.

About Us


“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention”

Instruction for Payment

Our Projects

Our projects with heritage institutions to provide a technology and Soft Skills to their students.



He is a Chartered Account, CA who started this trust in 2008 and has been heading the strategic and operations initiatives for Om Charitable Trust for the past 11 years.Chartered Account, CA who started this trust

V.Balaji Srinivasan

He is a leading Orthopeadic Surgeon at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. He started this trust with Mr. Narayanan in 2008 and has played a strategic role in the trust’s activities, branding and fund growth of the trust.


He is the Managing Director of Sundaram Finance and a very prominent person in the field of Finance and Management. He has played a major role in branding and fund growth of the trust.


He is a Chartered Account, CA who has played a major role in operations and people management for our annual activities.Chartered Account, CA who started this trustChartered Account, CA
